Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where did they hide that darn fuse box???????

"Six Twenty-Six", March 1936:
"William Chetwood, lookout fireman at Stanley, got the largest percent of lightning storms of any other lookout on the forest. Bill, being one of these "go get them and stay until they are out" kind, was a busy man. Early one morning a storm passed over his area, setting two fires. Bill went after them, leaving his wife to act as lookout. Late that p.m. a following storm passed over Stanley, setting several fires. Mrs. Chetwood, being on the job, was the first to report three of the fires. The ranger got final check-up on Stanley at 11 p.m., when it appeared that she left. Thinking that Mrs. Chetwood had decided to call it a day and go to bed, we thought no more of it until the next morning. As we got no report at the regular time, an effort was made to get the lookout without success. About this time Bill reported in from Huckleberry lookout, three hours ride from his station, after being on fire line all night. He left at once for Stanley and was gone only a few minutes when Mrs. Chetwood reported in. The lightning had struck the lookout tower at about 11 p.m. the night before, burning out the telephone. Mrs. Chetwood said "I hunted all over this tower last night for the fuse box but failed to find it until this morning", when she repaired the telephone and reported in. Mrs. Chetwood said she was not afraid but did not like it when the lightning ran through the house." Submitted by Louis A. Carpenter

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