Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Sitting on a mountain top-

.....What a lovely sight!-

Watching for a smoke to rise,

.....Morning, noon and night.

Pine-clad mountains, sunny plains,-

.....Heralds of delight-

Guarded from the fiend of fire,

.....Morning, noon and night.

Mystic, snow-crowned mountain peaks

.....Call from height to height,

Welcoming the lookout guard

.....Morning, noon and night.

O ye gods and sylvan nymphs-

.....Guardians of the Right-

Inspire me with thy faithfulness

.....Morning, noon and night.


This little piece was published in the July 24, 1922 issue of the "Bend Bulletin", written only a few days after taking on the duties as a fire lookout. Shasta Leila Hoover, Pine Mountain Lookout, Deschutes National Forest, 1922 and 1923.