Thursday, January 17, 2008

Plus shipping and handling.....

"The following data was submitted by Ranger McFarland covers the packing of a standard lookout house erected on Mt Fuji during the past season:
Length of pack- 5 miles
Maximum grade 50%. 0 to 10%, 3 miles. 10% and over, 2 miles.
8 head of pack stock used.
2 men, 6 days.
45 horse loads.
Maximum load, 190 lbs. Minimum load, 130 lbs. Average load 155 lbs.
Cost of packing - $125.95
Condition of stock at end of job: Good"
This was from the January 1927 issue of the "Six Twenty-Six" listing the packing stats on moving materials to build a D-6 cupola in 1926.