Friday, February 22, 2008

"Oh!, ain't we crazy?"

From the August 1931 edition of the "Six Twenty-Six":
"The latest injury reported could have been prevented if equipment had been of a different type. The new type of fire finder, of which we have two, is now in use on Substitute Point. This type of fire finder has no track so the finder cannot be moved to see around the corner posts and window casings in the lookout house. A few days ago Al Caldwell, lookout fireman at this point, thought he had located a fire. He tried to get a reading on it with his finder, but one of the corner posts of his Aladdin type house was in his line of vision. After trying various and varied methods of twisting the line of sight around this corner post and being unable to move his finder on its base, could only think of no other way to accomplish his purpose except to turn his house on its foundations. In his efforts to do this, he wrenched and strained his back seriously. In consequence of which he is not now enjoying religion and good health.
We are now making a sliding platform of our own design for this finder and hope when its installed, to have no more injury reports of this nature.
The lookouts will now join us in singing, "Oh, Ain't we crazy"?" Contributed by Felix Sparks