"The Ochoconian", July 1927:
"Sam Warg, lookout for Hash Rock and Tamarack Point, has been busy with his regular work not to mention playing Chauffeur to the Cleveland motorcycle. Sam is developing a wonderful vocabulary because of the peculiarities of the machine, and has been asked not to express his opinion of it except in places where it would be considered absolutely safe to smoke or build a fire. Some of Sam's remarks would scorch asbestos to a very dark brown."
"The Ochoconian", June 1928:
"Sam Warg will again be on the job this year as lookout, and will be camped at Tamarack Point. He will also use Hash Rock as a secondary point. His method of travel between points will be by means of the Cleveland Motorcycle."
The old Cleveland motorcycle was used at the Ranger District, but was so cantankerous nobody wanted to mess with it, so Sam hauled the thing out and got it to run and was allowed to use it at his post. Throughout the 1920's Hash Rock was a secondary lookout and was connected to Tamarack Point (later Ingram Point) by foot trail. This trip was made once or twice every day, so the motorcycle saved a lot of travel time.
"The Ochoconian" was a news letter printed by and for the personnel of the Ochoco National Forest.