Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jack had an exciting season

The October 1931 issue of the "Six Twenty-Six" carried two stories of Jack Finch on Pearsoll Peak Lookout:
#1 "As Jack Finch was about to enter Pearsoll Peak Lookout Station just after dark on a recent night, he was attracted by a slight rustle. Bringing his flashlight into play he discovered a big rattlesnake, standing on his trailer, and apparently trying to look into one of the windows. Now all that remains of the snake is a fine set of rattlers which Jack kept for a souvenir."
#2 "Lightning during a storm on September 8 struck the Pearsoll Lookout house three times, and dazed the Lookout. Jack Finch, who, we are glad to state, is rapidly recovering. Adequate lightning protection prevented any damage save a burned out fuse. The electricity jumped and open switch, and burned out the fuse, but got no further."

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